Silo, Viking Trail, Northern Minnesota
I’ve been bouncing around this country for 7-8 years. We’ve lived in 4 states from 2015-2022, moving to follow work opportunities, better life quality, maybe a pipe dream too… etc. Every time we move, it’s like the rug is pulled out from under my feet as far as my personal photography goes. I’m getting more and more project focused, and also with age, my work has become more and more about a sense of place. Getting to know a new place, at least on a level that I can photograph it satisfactorily, takes time, like getting to know a new person. Unpeeling an onion. Finding the native plants and talking to the locals. I hadn’t picked up my camera to make new pictures in almost a year since moving to Minneapolis from Dallas- and that was, honestly quite painful, despite life being really really good here so far overall. I haven’t found my new project/s here yet but I’m inspired, optimistic and grateful. Minnesota, upper Midwest, especially The Driftless Area… All new friends.